WCF Camelot World Championship Game 5 May 31, 2009 White: Dan Troyka Black: Michael Nolan (Annotations by Michael Nolan)
1.H6-H8 1....E11-G9 2.J6-H6 2....C11-E11 3.I6-G8 3....D11-F9? 3....G11-E9 would have retained an equal position. 4.D6-F8? 4.F7-H9 G9xI9, 5.H8xJ10xJ12 I10-I12xK12 would have won the exchange (a Knight for a Man) for White. 4....D10-F12 5.C6-E8? 5.G6-I8 would have maintained the status quo. 5....F11-D9! Wins the exchange for Black. 6.E8xC10 6....J11-H9-F11-D9xB11? 6....G9-E9, 7.F8xD10 J11-H9-F11-D9xD11xB9 would have allowed Black to retain his edge of a Knight for a Man. 7.H7-H9? 7.F7-E8 F9xF7xH9, 8.H8-I8 H9xJ7, 9.D7-F9xF11xD11xF9xH9xF11xF13 J7-J6, 10.I7xK5 I10-G12xE14 would have left White three Men ahead.
7....G9xI9 8.D7-F5-H7-H9xF11xD11 8....I10-I8xI6? 8....F9xH7xF5xD7, 9.H8xJ10xH12 E10xC12, 10.E7xC7 I10-G10-I12xG12, 11.I7-G5-E7-G9xE11xG13 G12xG14 would have left Black up the exchange. 9.H6xJ6 9....F9xH7xF5xD7 10.D11xF9xF11xF13 10....I9-I10? 10....I9-I8, 11.H8xJ8 G11-I9, 12.E7xC7 I9xK7xI5 would have left Black down only one Man. 11.E7xC7 Now White is up a Knight and a Man, a winning advantage. 11....I11-J11? 11....H10-F12, 12.F13xF11 G11xE11 would have won the exchange but still left Black down two Men. 12.F13-E13 12....H10-F12 13.E13-D12? 13.E13-D14 would have let the Knight escape from an eventual forced exchange for a Man. 13....G11-G10? 13....I10-G12-E12, 14.D12-C13 E12-D13, 15.C13xE13 F12xD14, like the line beginning two moves previously, would have won the exchange but left Black down two Men. 14.J6-I7 14....G10-F11? 14....H11-G11 would have avoided the potential loss of a Knight by Black. 15.G7-G8? 15.G7-E9 I10-G12, 16.E9-D10 H11-G11, 17.I7-G9-E7-G7-E9-C11xA11 would have won a Knight for White leaving him up two Knights and a Man. 15....I10-G12-E12? 15....J11-I11 would have avoided potential exchanges. 16.D12-C13? 16.H8-I9 E12xC12, 17.F8-H8-J10 J11xJ9xH9, 18.G8xI10xG12xE12xG10 would have won two Men for a Knight and left White up three Men. 16....H11-G11 17.C13-B13 17....G11-E13 18.B13-A12 18....B11-C12 19.A12-A11 19....F12-D12 20.A11-A10? 20.H8-H9 would have avoided the eventual loss of the exchange. 20....F11-D13-B11 21.I7-G9-E7 21....E13-C11 22.F6-D8 22....E12-D11 23.F8-D6-B8 23....B11-A11 24.A10xA12 24....D11-B11 25.A12xC10 25....C11xC9xB8 Black finally wins the exchange, but is hopelessly lost with a two Man disadvantage. 26.C7-B8! White quite properly forces an exchange of Men, following the dictum, “When ahead, exchange; when behind, don’t.”
26....A7xC9 27.D8XB10 27....C12-B12 28.H8-F8-F6-D8 28....D12-C13? 28....B12-C13 would have avoided the loss of the exchange, but the game was hopeless in any case. 29.B10-C11! White finally puts his opponent out of his misery by beginning a combination that would have won the exchange with 29....B12xD10, 30.E7-C9xE11, leaving Black down a Knight and a Man, with no chances. Resigns 1-0
Go here for the analysis and score of Game 1 of the World Championship Match.
Go here for the analysis and score of Game 2 of the World Championship Match.
Go here for the analysis and score of Game 3 of the World Championship Match.
Go here for the analysis and score of Game 4 of the World Championship Match.
Go here for the analysis and score of Game 6 of the World Championship Match.
Go here for Michael Nolan's retrospective look at the 2002-2003 and 2008-2009 WCF Camelot World Championship Tournaments.
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