In the Camelot middlegame, the trading down of material to reach a winning endgame is of prime importance. That trade-down action can be quantified in the following manner.
The Knight-Man formula (discussed here) calculates the value of a Knight (N) as:
Let: Man Value = 100 Let: User-defined value of N at start of game = 2.25 P = Total uncastled friendly Pieces
N = 100 + 125 ln(P) / ln(14)
The Trade-Down Bonus formula calculates the value of the bonus (B) as:
Let: D = Difference in Material (White minus Black) Let: T = Total Material (White plus Black)
B = 1.125 D - .00025 DT
This Bonus, expressed in numerical terms, can then be directly compared to material value. Following are the Bonus values for all 1,430 combinations of Knights and Men.
(WN = Number of White Knights) (WM = Number of White Men) (BN = Number of Black Knights) (BM = Number of Black Men) (B = Trade-Down Bonus)