There are few recorded games of Camette available for study.  Therefore, any thorough analysis of the Camette opening depends upon an increased level of game play.  The recorded games on this website undoubtedly can provide some opening ideas, but much further study is obviously needed.  Here is the beginning position:


    Beginning Position


Note that of the twenty-two possible first moves (counting reflections), twelve are known to result in an immediate forced loss of game for White: B3-B4 (and its reflection D3-D4), C2-B2 (and its reflection C2-D2), B3-A4 (and its reflection D3-E4), C3-B4 (and its reflection C3-D4), C2-A4 (and its reflection C2-E4), C2-C4, and C3-C4.  Here are the positions after the twelve losing moves:


                 After 1.C3-C4                                After 1.C2-C4                                After 1.C2-E4


                  After 1.C2-A4                               After 1.C3-D4                               After 1.C3-B4


                  After 1.D3-E4                               After 1.B3-A4                               After 1.C2-D2


                  After 1.C2-B2                               After 1.D3-D4                               After 1.B3-B4



Ten first moves by White result in positions, at least at this time, believed to be even: B3-A3 (and its reflection D3-E3), B3-C4 (and its reflection D3-C4), B3-B2 (and its reflection D3-D2), C3-A3 (and its reflection C3-E3), and C3-B2 (and its reflection C3-D2).  Here are the positions after the ten playable moves:


                  After 1.D3-E3                                After 1.B3-A3                              After 1.C3-D2


                  After 1.C3-B2                               After 1.C3-E3                               After 1.C3-A3


                  After 1.D3-D2                               After 1.B3-B2


                 After 1.D3-C4                                After 1.B3-C4